Spiritual Certifications
"I have been impressed by Michelle's insight. She has an uncanny ability to hone in on what is in your mindset, giving guidance and understanding to help you in your journey. I encourage anyone to make
the opportunity to have a reading with Michelle!"
Qualifications and Training
Michelle is a gifted Psychic/Medium/Channeler who has trained by Master Teachers at the Spiritualist School in Camp Chesterfield, Indiana. She has received training in at The United Metaphysical Church in Roanoke, Virginia and The Findhorn Institute in Scotland. Also trained with Certified Mediums across the Midwest region of the United States, in the interest of continuing her intuitive and psychic development.
ORACLE Card Reader
Michelle has been trained as a Certified Angle Card Reader. This service provides her clients healing guidance and a deeper understanding of their life path.
A Channeler is defined as a person who conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person's body or conscious mind. One who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits.
Michelle works closely with Enos, a Master Teacher, a higher vibrational being, in providing personal guidance and information for you.
Energy Healer
Additionally, to compliment her gifts in healing, Michelle has been schooled in the art of energy balancing and is a Master Reiki Practitioner.
I've been a member for several years and still attend classes/seminars and workshops at the Spiritualist School at Camp Chesterfield in Indiana. This includes training in mediumship, channeling, intuition, crystals, psychic phenomena, and Universal Law.
Certified as Master Reike Practitioner
Attended various spiritual workshops at United Metaphysical Church in Roanoke, Virginia
Received Professional Angel Card Reader Certification after attending Doreen Virtue's Angel Card Workshop in Pasadena, California. The last live seminar Doreen would conduct in person.
The Findhorn Foundation, Findhorn, Scotland. A world known Spiritual teaching institution. Lived on campus for
2 weeks where I attended daily classes/workshops for intuitive and spiritual development along with other students from around the globe.